
Showing posts from July, 2020

IOS memory management

Memory management is very important in any application, particularly in IOS applications that have memory and other constraints. It refers to ARC, MRC, reference types, and value types. Memory leaks and App crashes are all too common in apps due to poor IOS memory management. Automatic Counting for References: ARC in IOS memory management In IOS memory management Swift this is conceptually the same as in Objective-C. ARC keeps track of strong references to class instances and increases or decreases their reference count when assigning or unassigning class instances (reference types) to constants, properties and variables as appropriate. It deals with memory used by objects which have been reduced to zero by reference count. ARC does not increase or decrease the value types reference count, since these are copied when assigned. By default all references will be powerful references. To learn complete ios tutorials visit: ios app development course Strong reference cycles Strong Reference...

What is the Architecture of Ios?And Explain it?

In this lesson, we will discuss iOS Architecture I am pretty sure that even a few experienced iOS developers would have a hard time defining the iOS SDK in one sentence. The acronym  SDK  stands for  Software Development Kit . The iOS SDK contains the tools and resources to develop native iOS applications, which means that the SDK enables developers to develop, install, run, and test applications in the simulator and on physical devices. The two driving forces powering native iOS applications are Swift (or Objective-C) and the native iOS system frameworks. In the previous articles, we explored the Swift programming language. In this article, I want to explore the frameworks that power native iOS applications. For more information visit: ios app development course You now know what the iOS SDK is, but what makes an application qualify as a native iOS application? The simple answer is that an iOS application is an application that runs on an iOS device. That's onl...

An overview of iOS Architecture Patterns

Any application development needs to follow some architecture patterns to develop an app. It is the base of application development. The iOS architecturepatterns are layered architecture. The upper level in the iOS architecture patternworks a link between the hardware and the application. These Apps do notcommunicate directly with the hardware but they connect through the collectionof system interfaces. The lower layers in this architecture give basic services but the upper layer provides graphical/UI services. Furthermore, we will discuss the most popular iOS architecture patterns that helpin iOS app development. To learn complete ios tutorial course visit: ios app development course iOS Architecture patterns 2019 There are many iOS architecture patterns. The architecture design patterns provide a good foundation for the application. Here we review some most popular architecture design patterns useful for app development. MVC Pattern: The MVC or Model-view-controller is one of the iO...

Technologies used by iOS

IOS Technologies Here you will learn about various iOS technologies like UIKit, Core Animation, GameKit, SpriteKit, Game Controller, and more. Technologies used by iOS IOS provides frameworks that define particular sets of functionality from gaming and media to security and data management which you can integrate into your app. UIKit framework is used to design your app’s user interface and the Foundation framework to incorporate common data structures and behavior into your code. These are two of the most common frameworks used in iOS app development.   User Interface 1. UIKit –  Its classes allow you create a touch based user interface. Because all iOS apps are based on UIKit, you can’t ship an app without this framework. It gives the infrastructure for drawing to the screen, handling events and creating common user interface elements. UIKit also arranges a complex app by organizing the content that’s showed on the screen.   2. Core Graphics –...

iOS - Accelerometer

Accelerometer is used for detecting the changes in the position of the device in the three directions x, y and z. We can know the current position of the device relative to the ground. For testing this example, you'll need to run it on a device and to doesn't work on simulator. Accelerometer – Steps Involved Step 1  − Create a simple View based application. Step 2  − Add three labels in  ViewController.xib  and create ibOutlets naming them as xlabel, ylabel, and zlabel. Step 3  − Update ViewController.h as follows − #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface ViewController : UIViewController < UIAccelerometerDelegate > { IBOutlet UILabel * xlabel ; IBOutlet UILabel * ylabel ; IBOutlet UILabel * zlabel ; } @end Step 4  − Update  ViewController.m  as follows − #import "ViewController.h" @interface ViewController () @end @implementation ViewController - ( void ) viewDidLoad { [...

Working on Graphics in iOS SDK

iOS Graphics Here in this section of the iOS tutorial you will learn about iOS graphics, core graphics framework, quartz core and more.Here swift course tutorials available Here Working on Graphics in iOS SDK The  iOS   SDK permits programmers to work with Quartz Core which is encapsulated in the Core Graphics framework. Add the Core Graphics framework in your Xcode project by using following steps: Step 1 –  Find the Frameworks item in your Xcode project hierarchy and right-click on it. Step 2 –  Select Add→Existing Frameworks. Step3 –  Restrain the Command key and select the CoreGraphics.framework and QuartzCore.framework frameworks. Step 4 –  Click the Add button. Quartz 2D is the engine in the Core Graphics framework that permits us to draw sophisticated shapes, paths, images, and so on. It should be check that you import both frameworks into your source files whenever required like so: #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> #import <Cor...

Build a Basic UI

This lesson gets you familiar with Xcode, the tool you use to write apps. You’ll become familiar with the structure of a project in Xcode and learn how to navigate between and use basic project components. In the lesson, you’ll start making a simple UI for the FoodTracker app and view it in the simulator. When you’re finished, your app will have a label for the meal’s name, a text field to change the meal’s name, and a button for resetting the name.                               Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, you’ll be able to: Create a project in Xcode Identify the purpose of key files that are created with an Xcode project template Open and switch between files in a project Run an app in iOS Simulator Add, move, and resize UI elements in a storyboard Edit the attributes of UI elements in a storyboard using the Attributes inspector View and rearrange UI elements using the outline ...